Token Viltrumita "VLT"
Max Total Supply: 5,000,000 VLT
Symbol: VLT
Decimals: 18
Token: Viltrumita (VLT)
Presale: 3,750,000 VLT
Locked Liquidity: 1,000,000 VLT
Marketing: 100,000 VLT
Reward Pool: 150,000 VLT
(This is a Smart Contract written in Solidity for the Viltrumita Token (VLT) token.
Name and Symbol: The token is named "Viltrumita" with the symbol "VLT".
Decimals: The token has 18 decimals, which means it can be divided into smaller units up to 18 decimal places.
Total Supply: The total supply of Viltrumita tokens is set to 5.000.000 with 18 decimals, represented as 5.000.000 * 10^18.
Ownership: The contract includes an 'owner' variable, and the deployer of the contract becomes the initial owner.
Balances and Allowances: The contract uses two mapping structures to keep track of token balances for each address and allowances set by token holders for spending on their behalf.
Functions: The contract provides several functions for token management, including transferring tokens between addresses, approving spender addresses to spend tokens, increasing or decreasing allowances, and querying token-related information.
Modifiers: The 'onlyOwner' modifier ensures that certain functions can only be called by the contract owner.
Events: The contract emits two events - 'Transfer' and 'Approval' - to signal token transfers and allowance approvals.
Overall, this Smart Contract serves as the foundation for the Viltrumita (VLT) on the blockchain and facilitates basic token functionalities like transfers and approvals while adhering to standard ERC-20 specifications.)
The total supply of the token is 5.000.000 units. This means that there will only be 5.000.000 tokens in circulation from the beginning of the project. This limited supply approach can help maintain token scarcity and potentially influence its value as demand increases or decreases.
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