Reserve Pool
Next to our AI robot automaton System, we introduced another revolutionary concept into our play-to-earn game, called the Reserve Pool.
As you probably know, the cryptocurrency market is very volatile. Even if we do an excellent job in all areas and many new players continue to join, our gaming token could be influenced by a sudden medium-length bear market. In other words, if BTC, BNB and other cryptocurrencies continue to fall, our $Viltrumita token could take a hit and lose much of its value due to investor uncertainty. If the bear market continues, our reward pool could be depleted too quickly, because the rewards are pegged to the dollar. That is why we have proactively implemented a backup mechanism, to provide more security for players, by keeping a separate amount in a separate multi-sig wallet in $USDT. The Reserve Pool is replenished by making small daily sales from the Reserve Pool Wallet, as explained above. The Reserve Pool is held between a healthy 15% (in good times) and up to 47% (in potentially riskier times) of the total Reward Pool amount. Our Reserve Pool will not lose value, even if all other cryptocurrencies lose value.
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